And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Monday, February 18, 2013


It is one of those calmer days.  The days that exist quietly in between all the days of chaos.  I love these days.   The kids got to stay in their pajamas all morning, and we made birthday pancakes.    I got to sit at the table with them and sip my coffee as I watched them laugh, and giggle and lick frosting off of their forks with wild abandon.  I can't sit all day because I am not built that way so after working out, (and showering so as not to offend my family) I got to enjoy my youngest being a hyena baby, and crawling all over me.   I was showered with kisses and she giggle and loved just being in her Mommy's lap.  Who wouldn't love that?

The kids and I got to go grocery shopping all together, and we all got to pick out our own box of cereal.  I of course, picked raisin bran because I love raisins, but the kids picked a lot more sugary options because I am a total softy and why not let them eat sugary cereal every once in awhile.  We took our time to look at the fish, and pick out some new food for the hamster.  The baby of course, tried to eat her socks.

We have played with friends, danced around the house, played some games, and now I am stealing my own personal quiet moment while the baby naps.   Decaf coffee, the ability to blog, and listen to my children playing happily.   This is bliss.