And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Friday, April 24, 2015

5 Things We Can All Learn from the Greatest Generation

I don’t think it is any secret among my friends that I love old people.  It sounds terribly silly to say it that way.  But I really and truly do.   In all sincerity, I do find that there are some really great lessons we can all learn from the Greatest Generation.    In an age where everything is fast paced, fleeting, and shallow what would happen if we all took a step back and looked at what our grandparents did?  I am not against progress.  I think there have been some amazing changes in the last 80 years or so.   But there are a few things I believe are still relevant today even if they are not prevalent today. 
 Here are the 5 things I think will strengthen us and our children for future generations:

1.        Waste not, want not. 

The Greatest generation lived through the Great Depression and WWII.  They saved every last penny, every last bite of food.  Nothing was wasted.  Nothing went unused.  Today we live in a disposable society.  The flashier, the brighter, the newer – the better.   We have so much stuff that we can’t organize it all! There are warehouses full of stuff that people cannot even fit into their homes.   There are people living in immense amount of debt because our consumer driven society keeps telling us we need more.   We live in the illusion that more will make us happy.  But the truth is more won’t make you happy.  What if we took the time to ask ourselves questions like:  Can I afford this?  Do I really need this?  Can I wait to buy this?

2.       Put Others First

My grandparents are prime examples of putting others first.  For example, whenever they had guests come to stay with them my grandmother would automatically make the master bedroom up for her guests.  She and my grandfather would then take the smaller bedroom and use the bathroom in the hall.  It wasn’t just guests either.  They lived putting others first.   .  My favorite part of this is that my grandparents served others without acting like it was a pain.  They served others out of love!  What a difference it would make if we all could serve others out of love every single day.  Let’s look for opportunities to serve.   I am on board!

3.        Humbleness

One of the greatest examples I can find of true humbleness comes from my Papa.  My Papa worked extremely hard to make a living for his family.   He fought in the air force in WWII.    He took in my Aunt and her two daughters after their father died and worked even harder to support all of them together.    He always helped anyone he came in contact with that was in need.   But in all the years I got to know him.  I never heard him brag.  He was always full of dignity and modesty.   I think we could all benefit from humbling our hearts a bit. 

4.        Faithfulness in Love

There is a reason why the Greatest Generation celebrates big numbers in marriage.    They spend more time serving and loving each other than looking at how green the grass is in the neighbors back yard.  Or better yet they spend more time with each other than with their phones/ipads, etc.   Loyalty and commitment are valued in the generations before us!   In the many conversations that I have had with my Nanny about marriage she insists that the road was full of bumps, the moments not always happy, and that in the end she would not change a second of it.    The good far out weighed the bad.  It was worth the effort.  It was worth the rough moments.   (Side note:  I am not applying number four to anyone in an abusive situation.)

5.        Enjoy  Life!

Don’t waste time looking back!   Everyone has regrets.  Everyone makes mistakes.  Don’t let the moments that have passed ruin the moments of the future!   Enjoy the moment you are in.  One thing I can say of the Greatest Generation.  They are in the moment.  They are not on their phone recording everyone singing Happy Birthday!  They are singing, smiling and in the moment.    Put down the phone, let some work go.  Enjoy life!  It is too short not too!

What are your thoughts?   What are some lessons you have learned from the Greatest Generation?