And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Incredible Edible Egg

Yesterday was one of the longest days I have had in a long time.   The day was actually really great, but it was long.  Thank goodness I got up early, and squeezed my workout in before the day got too hectic.   I always feel better at the end of the day knowing that I have done it, and I don't need to worry about it anymore.  But that is not what today is about.

Easter Weekend is upon us, and tonight we are decorating eggs.  If you are anything like me and my family our celebration of Easter is always exciting.  Easter is, in my opinion, the most important holiday of the year.  It is the holiday we celebrate what a wonderful, amazing gift we have received from God. (Note:  I did not say my favorite to celebrate, it is my second favorite to celebrate because I LOVE Christmas).   At my house decorating eggs is a free for all, they do not need to be perfect, and there is not a contest, but there are usually at least three qualifications.  1.  Everyone has to have an egg with their name on it.  2.  Someone always makes a poop colored egg, and everyone laughs.  And 3.  My mom likes to make an egg that says something along the lines of "Help Let me out." She makes this egg every year, and every year it is her favorite, and every year it makes her laugh.  My mom laughing is a beautiful thing, and therefore I love it!

The bad thing about decorating eggs is that then you have 2-3 dozen hard boiled eggs that you have to eat.  Sometimes more.    I can only take so much egg salad.  I am only human. 

This year I wanted to post a few healthy egg recipes for all your post Easter needs:

1.  Salad.  Make yourself a delicious cobb salad with fresh turkey, lettuce, tomatos, sugar snap peas and a little egg.  If you don't eat meat sub in some delicious tofu, or garbanzo beans.  Drizzle on a little balsamic glaze (or your favorite low calorie dressing) and enjoy.

2.  Upgraded egg salad.  The thing that makes egg salad so bad for you is the mayo.  Skip the mayo and go with lowfat greek yogurt.  Add celery, onion, mustard (for some zip), salt and pepper, and you are ready to pop that onto a slice of your favorite whole grain bread with some lettuce and fresh sliced tomato.

3.   Here is a delicious recipe that I found for tuna salad stuffed tomatoes.  Yum!

What are some of your ideas?

1 comment:

  1. I am grateful to read that the egg recipes are for things to do with an egg. LOL. But as we know, I like a regular hardboiled egg. Call me a freak.
