And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Friday, September 16, 2011

The baby stole my brain-working out with a cold

I don't have a title for this blog mostly because I don't have any real reason to blog.  I just felt it necessary since I have not written anything in months.   I am going to pull out the mom card here, and say this baby ate my brain.  I cannot even start a book I haven't read before without confusion.   I have a list of interesting blogs that I can start and should be able to write, but I don't have the mental capacity to try it.  

In reflection of my life this past week, being both pregnant and sick, I decided to make today's blog about working out with a cold.  Obviously, regular moderate exercise is something that will prevent a cold.  According to a lot of findings, exercise helps make your immune system more capable of fighting off a cold or a flu.  But what do you do when you have already gotten a cold?  Should you workout, or should you skip for a few days and rest?

There are a few rules of thumb for working out with a cold.

1.  Listen to your body.  If you are extremely tired, or have a higher heart rate already due to decongestants then take it easy..  Decongestants and a few other cold medications are known stimulants, and you might find yourself short of breath a lot easier.  If you just have a head cold, go ahead and workout.
2.  Don't workout if your chest is congested or if you have a fever.  The rule of thumb is if you have a head cold, go ahead and do some moderately intense workout.  But if your chest is congested, or you already have a fever it is better for you to rest and stay in bed.    
3.  Stick to moderate intensity.  It is never a good idea to do a really intense workout when you are sick.  Moderate intensity however, should help your immune system along on the process.  If you are tired, but still feel the need to do something try yoga, pilates or a short walk.
4.  Rest and drink up.   Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids and in general let your body rest more than normal.

Back to heal myself.  :)

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