And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Monday, August 16, 2010

Not another title

Did anyone realize that it would take an hour to start this blog?  No, I know what you are thinking I am not technologically challenged.  It takes longer than expected to come up with an appropriate blog name.  Does anyone know exactly what they are going to blog about for the next week, month, or year?  If you do I am impressed, but my ever changing thoughts end up in my blog.  I cannot possibly stick to one topic.  One day I am rambling about the impossibilities of adding a section to my book, and the next I am ranting about the drive to work.  It is all these little thoughts that make up the best of my blogs.  And so I begin....


  1. First, I love the look of the blog. Second, I love that you are blogging again. Third, do you mind if I tweet when you update? This will help you get more followers, unless you only want it to be for friends and family!

  2. I don't mind at all! That would be awesome!
