And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Monday, November 21, 2011

Morning coffee gets my nerves in a twitter

I have been up for two hours, and I am not that far ahead.  I am procrastinating from real life by blogging.   At least for some of you that means you get to read something.  :)

I am currently downloading pictures from Phebe's birthday party on to the computer and eventually on to facebook if I am lucky.  AND DONE!!

I have no real coherent thoughts today and I am going to bore you with a list of things that I have thought in the past few hours.

1. There is no such thing as a peaceful protest.  Not when there are crazy people out there.   (Note to you all:  I am in no way saying I am for or against protests, or giving my opinion in anyway on the protests going on right now.)   I am just saying, that there are two sides, protesters and the cops....both have at least one person that is willing to take things too far.  Sad.  Can't we be peaceful?

2.  When you are grocery shopping there are two things that you should do, if not for yourself, for the sanity of those around you.  First, don't leave your cart perpendicular in the middle of the lane, thus making it impossible for other people to pass you, and then get mad when they move your cart out of the way.  (Honestly, I saw a few people fighting about this today.)  Second, if it is a pain for you to walk to the cart return, to properly put your cart back then park right next to it and viola problem solved!!  Note:  the trunk of my car is NOT a cart return.

3.  Being in my third trimester not only makes me not want to be pregnant anymore because I want my body back, but I find myself standing in the nursery dreaming about what the baby will look like.  I cannot wait to kiss her face and hold her.  I am so excited!

4.  Nesting for me is basically amazing.  I love when things are clean and organized.  Nesting just gives me the excuse to be overly organized and overly clean.   :)

5.  If you honestly don't have the time or the mental capacity to listen to me when I tell you I need to vent, or talk or share about my life.  Please don't pretend that you do.  It is ok for you to say no.  I would rather you say no than have you not listen.  That tends to let me down.

6.  Tv is bad.   I need some good tv in my life for when I am up late at night nursing....any suggestions?!

7.  Is it crazy to crave Frank's red hot on everything you eat?  If not, then please explain to me why my weirdest craving this pregnancy has been bananas with maple syrup.  

Ok, off to clean some more.  :)

1 comment:

  1. First, I love you. Second, I can't wait to meet your babe. Third, Adam eats Frank's Red Hot on everything and he's not pregnant, so I think you're good.
