And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nano is over and I have to take it easy

Nothing like forced sitting to make you finally update your blog.  I just finished the adventure that is Nano.  50k words completed, saved and submitted.  That is right Nano, you have yet to defeat me.  I am actually relieved to have it done this year with so much else that is going on in my life!!  For those of you who still don't know what Nano is, here is the brief explanation.  National Novel Writing Month is the name, and the challenge is to write 50,000 words in the month of November.  You will then have your basic premise for a novel, and you can add/edit later.  I must confess before starting Nano the idea of writing 50k in only 30 days seemed a task that I would never ever be able to do.  But now, I am wiser.  I know that the real work is in the editing.  A task that can overtake your life.

On other news:

We are officially at 31 weeks, and I am hoping only six more to go!  I am enjoying the little moments of her kicking, and having both Phebe and Samantha come over and want to feel the baby kick.  Today I am having forced rest from the doctor (also from my husband.).   The specific instructions were to take it "slightly" more usual than normal and drink lots of fluids.   This is partially good because I have caught the cold that my friends kids have, and I am tired today, and partially bad because I hate to sit.     Seriously, hate to sit.  I look around me and think about all the thing I want to be doing, and making doing them forbidden for the day makes me want to do them more.  :)  I know it is a sickness.

I just read an article title "does a good hair day stop you from working out?"  I am not even going to read that.  I cannot even begin to describe what a ridiculous thought that is.   Are you really that high maintenance??

I don't have anything else interesting to say, but here I sit watching the New Girl, which I love, and waiting for the laundry to finish... 

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