And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Monday, January 3, 2011

The New Year peeks its head in...

I love the whole Christmas season.  Everything is busy, and happy and family comes in to see you, and people are surrounded by love and happiness.  We had an amazing and very blessed Christmas, it was amazing to have the whole family home, and just all be together.  It was great to have Phebe home for a few weeks, and spend tons of time with her and Samantha.  I just loved it.  But that is not really what this post is about.

This post is about New Year's and the resolutions that we all make.   I find that most people feel very excited about the new year, and they make these lofty goals that they will meet for the new year, and of course, after two weeks most people don't meet these goals.  I have decided I am going to make a list of all the things that are basic to somewhat lofty even stuff that I will not ever accomplish this year, but I want to do them, and I am adding them to the list anyways.  This is my resolution.  I am not going to meet most of them, but I am going to try.   And I think it is important to have goals.  These are also in no particular order, just added randomly, and I only included 20, but I can always add if I think of something else.

1.  Learn how to rewire an outlet and a light switch.
2.  Learn to speak Italian, and Gaelic.
3.  Keep yoga in my workout regime at least once a week.
4.  Finish Nanowrimo again.
5.  Finish editing my first two novels.
6.  Have a baby.
7.  Paint my kitchen, hallway, and bathrooms.
8.  Finish the downstairs bathroom.
9.  Sell some of the stuff in my house that I really don't need, or donate it to someone who does need it.
10.  Read the entire bible through again.
11.  Live my life with intention every moment of every day.
12.  Write 10 poems that are infinitely better than the ones I wrote in high school.
13.  Pray everyday for at least 20 minutes.
14.  Enjoy the small moments with my kids while they are still kids.
15.  Eat healthy, and workout.  It is my me time and I deserve it.
16.  Read at least 12 books off of my lofty, and snobby book list known as the SRP list.
17.  Streamline my life.
18.  Try a few new recipes each month to add to my list of favorites.
19.  Learn how to use my sewing machine.  FINALLY.
20.  Take a road trip somewhere.


21.  Finish at least 1 scrapbook.
22.  Give up diet coke.
23.  Find the perfect desk organizer.


  1. I like your goals. I love lists like this. Plus it is so nice to cross stuff off. I think I started last years blog with a list like this. I should go revisit it. We need to get cracking on SRP. I think we need to call Dangerous Liasons a wash, unless you have it cause I cannot find it. Want to pick a book?

  2. I have it, but I am not feeling it right now. Let me look at the list and make a few suggestions and we can start this week!

  3. This is an amazing idea to write a long list like this. You GO!
