And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jillian's Ripped in 30 a Review

This week, despite the fact that I am still participating in a Jillian's 30 day shred challenge, I decided to try Jillians Ripped in 30.  (Yes, you read that right,  that is in addition to what I am already doing.)   I couldn't help it.  I got the new dvd in the mail, and it was like a shiny new toy for a child.  I had to try it that day.

The principle behind the Ripped dvd is 4 workouts about 25 minutes each, you do each level for a week and your challenge is completed in 30 days.  Hence the name, Ripped in 30.

I decided to break down the review by level.   First, let me tell you that Jillian gives you beginner modifications on all 4 levels, much to her chagrin. Even on the last level where she claims that there should be no beginner modifications on a level 4 she does show you how to make the moves a little easier if you are just starting out.  I was extremely thankful for the modifications because there were several moves that I could not do the entire time.  While I am far from a beginner Jillian takes working out to another level where you really do have to build up to being able to do all the moves.   She doesn't leave room for shenanigans though, all the moves are hard, and she claims if 400 pound people on the Biggest Loser can do the moves, so can you.

Level 1:  I got through level one with no real problems.  It was a decent workout, but not the hardest thing I have ever done.
Level 2:  I get about half way through this level when it dawns on me that level 2 of Ripped in 30, is harder than level 3 in the 30 day Shred!  Now, I am really excited and curious to find out what levels 3 and 4 bring.
Level 3:   This level was fun, the moves Jillian chose were not moves I have ever done before.  A bear crawl, rock star sit ups, duck walk.  It sounds silly but my quads were screaming by the end.    I was so excited after finishing Level 3 I had to dive right into level 4.
Level 4:  Jillian boasts that never before has there been a level 4.  Level 4 was definitely a challenge.  Even Basheera who is a gorgeous albeit beast of a woman has a hard time finishing level 4 at the advanced level. 

Overall, I loved it.  Jillian is true to form, she is witty, and challenging.   When you want to give up she yells at you.  I don't know about, you but when Jillian yells things at me like "Do you want to be skinny or not?"  It makes me move!  My favorite Jillian moment in the dvd was when she pretended to bite the butt of one of the girls.   I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my workout stance.

Here is my overall review (out of 5 stars)
Trainer likeability: *****
Easy to Follow?: ****
Long term likeability: ****
Overall likeability:  *****

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