And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Workout DVDaholics guide to well everything....

I have to admit that I am workoutDVDaholic.  I will try anything once, and I mean anything.  I don't think there is one workout dvd that I have had in my hands and not tried.  I also make use of the free workouts that come "on demand" whenever I feel like mixing things up.  I devour anything fitness and health related I can get my hands on.  I read Self, shape and fitness from cover to cover every month.  I keep a running list of new workout DVDs I want to try, and new exercise equipment that I would love to own.    I know how many calories are in most foods, and what the benefits of their certain nutrients are.   It sounds like an obsession I know, but really it is a hobby that I absolutely love.   Working out is my stress reliever, it gives me energy, resets my mood, and gives me a great start to the day.

I feel like there may be some people who are misconstruing what I want to say here.  I want  am going to clarify.  I am not obsessed with my weight, or being too thin.  I have had times in my life where I did have some extra weight to lose (I gained way too much weight during my second pregnancy and it took a year of struggling to get it off.) but really now working out for me is something I enjoy.    I am perfectly happy with myself, and my body the way it is.   I just want to live a long and healthy life, and I believe that working out is part of that.

Where does all this come from?  It started when I was little.  My mom was an avid exerciser and I grew up doing Jane Fonda in my Daffy duck leotard and leg warmers in the living room with her.  In my family we are what I like to call "healthy sweaters."  A topic that I will touch on later.  To this day I love working out with a partner or a friend.  The conversation, and the camaraderie makes the workout so much fun, and sometimes even more rewarding.  

I was told a long time ago that I am person who needs variety, I need flavor, spice, and excitement.  For example,  I do not like Hershey bars.  I never have.  I find them to be sad, drab little excuses for chocolate with very little taste and poor melting quality.  If I am going to eat plain chocolate with nothing in it I will go for the good stuff godiva, lindt or even dove.    More than likely though I will indulge in something with a little flavor, mint or caramel or peanuts.    Why eat a Hershey bar when you can have a Twix, or York Peppermint Patty?   (Sorry this was a little off the subject, but the tangent in my head fit my need for variety in workouts to my need to variety in life.)

I think this need for variety is why I have never joined a gym.   I would love to take the classes, but they are expensive, and most of the workout stuff I have at home I have asked for for birthdays or Christmas, thus keeping my cost down.   And also, I really hate the thought of say going on the elliptical everyday for an hour.  I would love to do it once in awhile, but I couldn't everyday.

What is the point of all this?  Why am I sharing the back story of all this stuff?  I am asked questions all the time by my friends, and family about fitness and health related stuff.  Through those questions I have discovered that I have something to say.   I have pearls of wisdom itching to come out.   My advice is well researched, although not expert advice, and I am ok with that.  I also have this blog where I am allowed to share whatever I want, and I think I feel a string of blogs coming.

So, what are your questions?  I will do my best to answer them, and research them.  Want to know if a workout dvd is good?  I will try it for you and review it.   Need to know why cherries are good for you?  I have the answer and if I don't then I will figure it out.   :)  

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