And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Resolution Round up

We are officially over a week into the new year. How are all the New Year's resolutions coming? Has anyone faltered yet? I did. I messed up my days and I got a day behind already on my new devotional book. I did catch up again once I realized my mistake, but I don't really care that I messed up. You heard that right. I don't care if I mess up. Everyone is going to fail. Not one person is going to go through the entire year, and keep their resolution exactly the way they planned it out. Am I right? Are you all human too??

Unless, you made a resolution not to make a resolution you probably have a goal this year. Maybe you want to workout more, maybe you are going to eat healthier, maybe you are going to reorganize your life, or reset your priorities. But January 2nd came, and despite the fact that you swore you wouldn't eat any desserts in 2013 you found yourself reaching for the leftover Christmas cookies. You couldn't resist the chocolate-gooey goodness of the cookies that your mom made. I honestly hope that no one has opted not to eat any desserts in 2013 because that thought makes me sad, but you get the picture. It is really easy to give in, to slide back into your old ways, and give up.

So, you messed up. You have already failed a day of your New Year's Resolution, and we are only a few days into the new year.

I am going to challenge you to give yourself a little grace. This year, define yourself not in how well you kept that New Year's Resolution the first time, but in how many times you picked yourself back up and kept going. We all fail. We all make mistakes, and we are not always perfect. In my case, I am far from it. What makes you stand apart from the people who give up because they fail? Getting back up and trying again.

What are you going to overcome this year? How many times are you going to keep trying? You can do it!!

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