And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Maura's Friends for Change

I have been challenged today.  Somewhere between getting Bill's lunch made at 6:00 this morning (because the nyquil made me forget last night), getting the kids off to school and rushing off to my 2 hour meeting that I had to get to before I went in to the office today... I forgot to enjoy my morning. I forgot to take a few breaths and just let myself be. 

I forgot that the most important moments, are not getting ready, and having everyone's hair done and their clothes perfect.  But kissing my husband through the glass shower door before he leaves, and getting that first overly warm hug from Samantha as she bounds into my room with her blanket with a smile on her face, or seeing Phebe's ever growing adorable leg hanging over the side of the bed as she resists getting up for another day.  I think you get the point.

How much different if your day was mostly focusing on those moments, or on the people around you?   That is what I was thinking in the car on the way home.   I started thinking about all the things that we are told not to do.  Don't lie, cheat, or steal.  Don't litter, waste water, or throw away something that can be recycled.  We are surrounded my don't.  

Let's instead focus on DO.  Do be honest.  Do stop when you see someone in need.    Do kiss your kids everyday.  Do kiss your spouse everyday.  Do enjoy the little moments.  Do let your family know how much they are wanted and loved. 

What is ONE thing you can DO today?  Just decide and do it!

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